May 10-13 – Seville, Spain – The Second International Pilates Conference in Seville hosted by Jose Manuel Rodriguez Osto and Oscar Cordo Fernandez.

Mary will present two three hour sessions each day for four days, beginning with a full day for the other presenters on Thursday, May 10 before the official opening of the conference on the 11th. Friday evening the 11th she will address the whole conference with “An Evening with Mary Bowen and the History of Pilates.” (3 cecs for attendance). That Friday morning she will present “The Troubles with our Breathing.” Saturday will be all on the Body: More partnership with the Body/Less Control – More Spine/Less Mind – More Release/Less Effort – how differently and how much better Pilates is taught now than back in the time of Joe and many of his followers, but always with gratitude for Joe and Clara’s gift to all of us. On Sunday Mary will teach her singular contribution to the Pilates community, Pilates Plus Psyche: the practical importance and usefulness of understanding Jungian Typology in the practice and teaching of Pilates. Knowing for oneself and for one’s client what will be easy and what will be difficult (and often impossible in relationship to one’s age or stage of development) to teach. How to digest these limitations in ourselves and our clients to comprehend that we grow through our weaknesses, not through our strengths.
