About Mary

Pilates Elder, 61 years learning and living Pilates (since1959)

Mary Portrait

Mary Bowen at 90 is the eldest Pilates Elder still teaching. At 29 for six and a half years twice a week she studied with Joe and Clara themselves. Lessons for her did not end after Joe’s passing.

Consecutively for 7 years each she continued her Pilates study with Bob Seed, Romana Kryzanowska, Kathy Grant, Bruce King and Jean Claude West followed by 20 years until 2015 with Christine Wright who has relocated to Toronto. Mary is the only senior Pilates teacher who has been determined to weekly, and since age 80 bi-weekly, serve the student in herself through taking her own lessons for 56 years. In Mary’s words “The student and the teacher live together in us. There is no graduation from that duality.”


Also a Jungian psychoanalyst she is an outstanding mentor. She supports each Pilates teacher’s or client's creativity and self-development at any stage of her or his Pilates career. In Mary’s view a Pilates life is like a parallel journey on two huge highways – one to improve yourself yearly as a Pilates teacher or client and the other to develop your own unique self!

61 years living Pilates and Jungian Analytical Psychology. 45 years teaching Pilates (since 1975) and 50 years practicing as a Jungian psychoanalyst since 1970. 20 years of practicing the two professions separately and 25 years since 1995 combining the two professions through the creation of PILATES PLUS PSYCHE. All ongoing.

Joseph Pilates addressed the “whole body” in every move to which Mary Bowen added  addressing the “whole person,” the conscious and the unconscious in the teaching and living of Pilates.

Mary Bowen meeting Joe Pilates

(Video 6:04) Mary discusses how she first met Joe Pilates and Clara in New York City in 1959.

Structure of the pyshce

(Video 5:51) Pilates Elder and Jungian Psychoanalyst (47 years’ experience). When practicing either profession Mary will take you deeper, but never without humor

Pilates and the psyche

(Video 1:43) Mary discussing her favorite offering for people who want to go deeper.

Learn about the ultimate mind body connection - “Pilates Plus Psyche"

“Mary is the most senior Pilates Elder and Master Teacher who knew and studied with Joseph Pilates and Clara”