
Historic Video featuring Joe Pilates

historic video1 - (Alongside the historic video with Joe pictured standing)
This video, outstanding in letting us know Joe and Clara, is made up of films taken of Joe and Clara themselves and clients between the years 1932-1945. Reels and reels of these vintage films were given to Mary Bowen at the opening of her larger studio YOUR OWN GYM in 1981 in Northampton, MA. Ten years later Mary studied all the reels of footage choosing out the best examples for compiling with a professional expert this Historical Pilates DVD on Joe, Clara, clients and friends, 1932-45. This video remains an historical treasure.

Sturdy Square Sitting Stool 2 - Mary’s Sturdy Square Sitting Stool – a lesson in how to sit!
“Almost ALL our chairs have us sitting incorrectly. Here is a stool which teaches you how to sit correctly! Especially important for the hours you spend at your computer. But really anywhere at all!” in Mary’s words.
(made by Mary’s husband, Alec Martin, to your own specifications for height and color of the seat)

3 - Set of varying lengths of Webbing Straps to hang from the Cadillac in different areas – increasing exercise possibilities for the whole body as well as allowing for amazing fascial releases and safe total body release drops into gravity.
(It is highly recommended to use an EGG ball (65cm or 55cm) on the Cadillac for full body drops and the most extensive releases) (Mary plans to put out a DVD soon to show you all the possibilities for extensive important releases allowed with the use of the EGG ball in this manner).

“Mary is the most senior Pilates Elder and Master Teacher who knew and studied with Joseph and Clara Pilates”